Is Invisalign Right For You?

Invisalign: The Perfect Fit for Your Smile

The need for braces is common among many children and adults today. With a growing desire to have perfect teeth and a beautiful smile, more people are getting some form of orthodontic treatment. Traditional braces have been around since the 1800s and have continued to improve, making them a popular orthodontic treatment. Traditional braces are made of metal brackets and wires that are glued to the top of the teeth to straighten them. Each month the braces are adjusted and treatment typically lasts around 2 years. While the thought of wearing bulky metal braces may be unappealing to many, there is another option available for straightening teeth – Invisalign. Invisalign was created in 2000 and is composed of two clear plastic removable trays that the patient places over the teeth. There are several pros and cons to both braces and Invisalign. They each require time and maintenance. Consider weighing the differences between both treatments to help you decide which one is right for you.

What is Invisalign?

Undoubtedly, understanding what Invisalign is forms a crucial first step in deciding whether it’s the right orthodontic treatment for you. Invisalign is a popular treatment option that utilizes advanced technology known as align technology to address various dental issues. It is primarily used to straighten teeth and enhance a person’s smile.

The Invisalign treatment process involves the use of a series of clear, removable aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth. These aligners are designed to gradually shift your teeth into their proper position. This is a key feature that distinguishes Invisalign from traditional braces, which are fixed and can’t be removed until the treatment is complete.

Nonetheless, it’s important to note that Invisalign is not merely about aesthetics. While the prospect of achieving a straighter smile is undeniably appealing, this orthodontic treatment serves a far greater purpose. It aims to correct dental issues such as overbites, underbites, and crowded teeth, which, if left untreated, can lead to more serious oral health problems.

The align technology employed by Invisalign represents some of the most advanced technology in the field of orthodontics. It utilizes 3D imaging to map out the entire treatment plan, from the initial position of the teeth to the final desired position. This allows for a level of precision and customization that is virtually unparalleled.

Pros of Invisalign

With regard to the benefits, Invisalign offers several advantages over traditional orthodontic treatments. This modern alternative to braces uses advanced aligner technology to correct issues such as misaligned, crowded, or gap teeth. The goal is to achieve straighter teeth and, consequently, a beautiful smile that can boost self-esteem and confidence.

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, which makes them an excellent choice for adults and teenagers who may feel self-conscious about wearing braces. The aligners are also removable, allowing for uncomplicated eating and cleaning. This flexibility means you can maintain your usual oral hygiene routine without the need for special tools or flossers.

Invisalign aligners are custom-made for each patient, ensuring a comfortable fit that minimises discomfort. The aligners are changed every one to two weeks, gradually moving your teeth into the desired position. This treatment approach can be more comfortable than braces, which require periodic tightening.

Another significant advantage of Invisalign is the predictability it provides. Using 3D imaging technology, your dentist can show you a virtual representation of how your teeth will move during treatment and what your smile will look like at the end.

While the cost of Invisalign can be higher than traditional braces, many dental insurance policies cover part or all of the treatment. Additionally, some dental financing companies offer payment plans, making it a more affordable option for many people. Aftercare retainers, part of the Invisalign treatment plan, are also often included in the initial cost, providing long-term value.

Cons of Invisalign

Despite its numerous advantages, Invisalign does come with some limitations and potential concerns that users need to be aware of. As one of the orthodontic treatment options, Invisalign has been hailed as an effective alternative to metal braces. While this modern solution, backed by advanced computer technology, can indeed address common orthodontic issues and deliver an aesthetic smile, it also brings its own set of challenges.

The following are some of the potential downsides to consider when choosing Invisalign:

  • Limited Suitability: Invisalign is not suitable for all orthodontic issues. It’s best for addressing common issues such as mild to moderate crowding or spacing. However, more complex issues might necessitate traditional dental braces.
  • For example, severe cases of underbites, overbites, or crossbites may not be effectively treated with Invisalign.
  • Maintenance: Unlike EZ Smile or other similar products, Invisalign requires careful maintenance.
  • It must be removed before eating or drinking anything aside from water. This is to prevent food particles from getting stuck in the aligners, which could lead to cavities or other dental issues.
  • The aligners must be cleaned regularly.
  • After the active orthodontic treatment phase, the retainer stage begins. This involves wearing a retainer regularly to keep teeth in their new position.

Factors to Consider Before Getting Invisalign

Often, when contemplating the idea of getting Invisalign, one must carefully evaluate several crucial factors, and consistently consult with an experienced orthodontist to ensure it’s the right decision for your specific orthodontic needs. A comprehensive treatment plan, tailored to your unique situation, is paramount. This includes considering the severity of your case, such as dealing with overcrowded teeth or severe bite issues, as these may require more intensive intervention.

The cost of treatment is another significant aspect to examine. While Invisalign generally aligns with the cost of traditional braces, your dental policy might not cover this treatment, necessitating third-party financing. Confirming your insurance coverage and exploring financing options are therefore crucial steps in your decision-making process.

Assessing the technology involved is equally essential. Invisalign employs advanced computer imaging technology to create a precise treatment plan, allowing you to visualize your teeth’s progression throughout the treatment. However, despite the sophistication of this technology, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some patients may be better suited to alternative treatments, such as traditional braces or veneers.

Lastly, your commitment to compliance with the treatment is crucial. Invisalign aligners must be worn for 20-22 hours daily and require a high level of patient cooperation to be effective. Unlike traditional braces, they can be removed, which can be a tempting opportunity for non-compliance. Therefore, one must be honest about their capability and willingness to adhere to the treatment guidelines before choosing Invisalign.

Success rates of Invisalign

After considering all the aforementioned factors, it is essential to discuss the success rates of Invisalign, as this could significantly influence your decision-making process. The success rates of Invisalign are notably high, with patients often achieving their desired results within the exact treatment plan. This is primarily due to the advanced form of technology that Invisalign utilizes, offering a strategic approach to teeth alignment.

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces

Traditional braces, including conventional metal braces and ceramic braces, have been the standard for teeth alignment for many years. However, they come with drawbacks such as a higher risk of tooth decay due to difficulty in maintaining oral hygiene.

Invisalign, on the other hand, provides a more flexible solution. The aligners are removable, reducing the risk of tooth decay and facilitating better oral hygiene. Moreover, the 3D computer imaging technology used in Invisalign allows for a more precise and comfortable fit than conventional braces.

Invisalign Success Rates

The success rates of Invisalign are influenced by the patient’s adherence to the treatment program. The aligners must be worn for the recommended 20-22 hours per day for optimal results. A combination of braces and Invisalign may also be suggested for complex cases. This combination often results in a higher success rate, as it capitalizes on the strengths of both treatment methods.

What to expect during Invisalign treatment

Embarking on the Invisalign journey may bring about a mix of emotions, but understanding what to expect during the treatment process can alleviate some concerns and equip you for a smoother ride.

Invisalign, unlike traditional braces, offers a limited treatment that primarily focuses on the upper teeth. This treatment involves the use of advanced computer imaging technology to create a series of clear aligners or retainers tailored to fit your teeth perfectly.

Invisalign retainers are different from a conventional retainer, primarily due to their invisibility and the fact that they can be removed when eating or brushing. However, they do require commitment as they need to be worn for 22 hours a day to achieve the desired results. After the treatment, it’s necessary to discuss with your doctor about retainer fees, as you will need to wear them at night to maintain your new smile.

Financially, Invisalign can be more expensive than traditional braces, but several financing options are available. Many dental practices offer in-house financing plans that allow you to spread the cost over the duration of your treatment. If this is not possible, you can always consider a third-party financing company. These companies provide loans specifically for medical treatments, including Invisalign.

How to maintain your results after Invisalign treatment

Retaining the impressive results after your Invisalign treatment requires a specific set of maintenance steps that will be outlined in this section.

If you’ve ever asked yourself, ‘Should I get Invisalign?’ and decided to proceed away from traditional metal braces, you have made a decision to straighten your permanent teeth without dealing with the discomfort and visual stigma that comes with metallic braces. You have chosen to rectify crooked smiles with a modern solution that relies on 3D computer imaging technology.

Invisalign treatment is indeed a powerful tool for achieving a confident smile. However, maintaining the results after the treatment necessitates a diligent aftercare routine. Here are some critical steps to help you maintain your results:

  • Dietary Considerations
  • Avoid common foods that can stain your teeth such as coffee, tea, and red wine. These drink items can potentially darken your newly straightened teeth.
  • Mind your sugar intake. Eating too much sugar can lead to cavities, which can ruin the aesthetic of your new smile.
  • Oral Hygiene Practices
  • Brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss regularly. Good oral hygiene is an essential part of maintaining the results of your Invisalign treatment.
  • Use a teeth whitening product if you notice any discoloration. This can help maintain the brightness of your smile.

Metal Braces

If you choose to go with traditional metal braces, a mould will be taken from your mouth to get the dimensions of your teeth. Each month your braces will be adjusted and tightened and rubber bands will be changed on the brackets.

Pros of Traditional Braces

  • They can be more effective for complex issues.
  • Because they are temporarily stuck to the teeth, it doesn’t require the self-discipline to be successful.
  • They are one of the cheaper orthodontic treatment options.


There are a few cons to traditional metal braces, mainly to do with discomfort to the patient.

  • You can experience sores and pain from the metal wires and brackets.
  • It can be very difficult to eat certain foods while wearing metal braces.
  • You may have to avoid certain foods and beverages altogether until the braces are removed.
  • Food can become caught in between the wires and brackets and removal of it can be difficult.
  • Brushing and flossing are extremely important while wearing metal braces and you may have to work a little harder to get food out that has become stuck.
  • They are very noticeable and you may not feel completely comfortable in photographs or smiling around others while wearing the bulky braces.

The Invisalign Process

Invisalign trays are created with the help of x-rays and 3D digital imaging. They are plastic trays that are worn over the teeth.


  • Cons of Invisalign include discomfort experienced as teeth begin to move into place.
  • You need to remove them for eating and drinking.
  • You also need to brush after each meal to avoid staining.


There are several pros to Invisalign treatment.

  • One of the most popular reasons why patients opt for Invisalignis because it is invisible and removable.
  • It doesn’t interrupt your eating and drinking habits as it can be removed from these activities.
  • You won’t have to worry about getting food caught in the trays or avoiding your favorite foods.
  • You also won’t have any discomfort from wires poking the sides of your mouth or gums.
  • Invisalign treatment is usually shorter than with traditional metal braces, and treatment lasts about six to 18 months.

Invisalign and metal braces both have benefits and downsides. Weighing the pros and cons of each option and figuring out what is most important to you will help you make the right decision.

Posted in Invisalign

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