What Causes Receding Gums With No Disease | Dentique Dental Spa | Gum Disease

You’ve noticed your gums seem to be pulling away from your teeth, making them appear longer than usual. You’re not alone in this observation, as a large number of adults suffer from receding gums, even when no disease is present. But what could cause gum recession if you don’t have any oral disease?

Causes of Receding Gums

It’s worth noting that factors like genetics, aggressive brushing of your teeth, trauma to the gum tissue, orthodontic treatments, and hormonal changes during pregnancy can all contribute to this issue.


The quality and resilience of your gum tissue largely dictate your gum health. If your ancestors had weak or thin gums, they may have passed these traits down to you. This could lead to quicker wear and tear on your gums in response to everyday activities like brushing or eating certain foods, leading to gum recession over time. While it doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to experience gum recession, it does increase the likelihood.

Aggressive Brushing

Brushing your teeth with too much pressure or aggression can actually wreak havoc on your oral health. When you brush aggressively, the excessive pressure you put on your gums and teeth can lead to tooth sensitivity and even tooth loss.

Orthodontic Treatment

When straightening your smile with braces or other orthodontic treatments, it’s crucial to be mindful of the potential for gum recession. The pressure exerted by these corrective devices can cause the gums to pull back from your teeth, especially if they move too rapidly.


Some medications might cause dry mouth, which reduces the saliva flow necessary to keep your mouth healthy. This lack of saliva creates an environment where bacteria thrive, leading to potential oral infections.

Tobacco Use

Tobacco use causes the gums not to have the best circulation possible. Because of this, the gums start to recede. The sticky plaque tobacco use creates a harbor for bacteria, which can also lead to other gum diseases.


Body piercings of the tongue or lip can irritate the gums and lead to a recession as well. If you have piercings of this type, you should have the dentist take a look during your next visit to be sure they are not damaging anything in your mouth.

Hormone Fluctuations

Hormone fluctuations are one reason you might have receding gums, especially for women. Every woman goes through a lot of changes over time, from the start of puberty to menopause. These changes can cause the gums to swell up and trap food particles and bacteria inside. This can lead to periodontal disease or other gum diseases that deflate the swollen gums.

Symptoms of Gum Recession

Gum recession starts subtly and is usually painless, which makes early detection tricky. Here are four key signs that your gums might be beginning to recede:


  1. Increased Tooth Sensitivity: If you suddenly start experiencing a sharp jolt of discomfort when consuming hot or cold meals and beverages, this could be a sign that your gums are pulling back.
  2. Longer Teeth: It isn’t that your teeth are growing, but your gums are withdrawing, making your teeth appear longer.
  3. Red or Swollen Gums: Inflammation is a typical response to gum disease, which can lead to recession.
  4. Bleeding after Brushing or Flossing: While some bleeding may occur if you brush too hard or with poor technique, consistent bleeding could be an indication of receding gums.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible because untreated gum recession can lead to severe oral issues down the line, including tooth loss.

Treatment for Receding Gums

You’ll find that seeking professional dental care is essential in treating your receding gums, as they can offer a range of therapies, from deep cleaning to surgical procedures.

Depending on the severity of your condition, some people start with a procedure called scaling and root planing. This process involves removing tartar buildup from the surfaces of your teeth and gum line, then smoothing out the roots to help your gums reattach to your teeth. Your dentist may also recommend antibiotics to control any bacterial infection.

More invasive procedures may be necessary if non-surgical treatments aren’t enough or if you’re experiencing significant gum loss. Gum graft surgery is an option where tissue from another part of your mouth gets transferred to cover exposed tooth roots. Another procedure often used is bone grafting, which supports growth in areas where bone has been lost due to receding gums.

Remember, it’s essential for you not only to seek immediate treatment but also to maintain regular dental visits and good oral hygiene practices at home for long-term gum health.

Prevention of Receding Gums

Brushing gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush can aid in keeping your gum line intact and healthy. While brushing, make sure to avoid excessive force, as it can lead to abrasion of gums and enamel.

Regularly flossing is also crucial for maintaining healthy gums as it helps remove plaque from areas your toothbrush cannot reach. Just like brushing, remember not to be too aggressive while flossing because that could harm your gums.

There are several other steps you can take to prevent receding gums:

  • Avoid tobacco products: Smoking or chewing tobacco increases the risk of gum disease, which may lead to receding gums.
  • Limit sugary foods and drinks: They contribute to tooth decay and gum diseases, increasing gum recession chances.
  • Get regular dental check-ups: Professional cleanings are essential for removing tartar buildup, which often leads to receding gums if left untreated.
  • Utilize a mouth guard: If you clench your teeth in the evening, consider using a mouth guard, as this habit can put excessive pressure on your gums, leading them to recede.

Remember that prevention is always better than cure, so incorporate these habits into your daily routine for healthier teeth and gums.

Dentique Dental Spa: Your Partner in Achieving Optimal Health and Preventing Gum Recession

You’re not alone in this journey; we at Dentique Dental Spa are committed to safeguarding your radiant smile and ensuring you never have to worry about a receding gum line.

Receding gums can often give an illusion of long-looking teeth, which is actually due to the exposure of the roots that your gums would typically hide. This could put your bone structure at risk and lead to chronic inflammation if left untreated.

Often, the leading culprit behind it is bacterial plaque that builds up on clean tooth surfaces when oral hygiene is neglected. This plaque buildup can cause gum recession and mouth cancer in severe cases.

At Dentique Dental Spa, we provide common treatments like cleaning procedures to respond to gum disease caused by the buildup of harmful plaque. Our highly skilled professionals perform these treatments with the utmost care, removing bacterial plaque from those hard-to-reach areas and treating any chronic inflammation in its early stages before it becomes more serious.

We’re dedicated to ensuring you’re well-informed about potential risks and how best to prevent them because your health is our priority at Dentique Dental Spa.

To schedule an appointment, call (08) 6244-0089 today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the fastest way to heal receding gums?

You’ll find that maintaining good oral hygiene is your quickest ticket to healing those pulling-back tissues around your teeth. Start with regular and thorough brushing, but be gentle to avoid further damage. Opt for a toothbrush with soft bristles, preferably an electric one, as it’s more effective at removing plaque.

Don’t forget about flossing daily, as this helps remove food particles lodged between your teeth that could lead to gum disease. Rinse your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash to kill any residual bacteria, and consider using a water flosser for an even deeper clean. Also, quit smoking if you’re a smoker; tobacco products can exacerbate gum recession.

Lastly, visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleaning – they may also recommend treatments like scaling and root planing if necessary. Remember that while these steps will help stop the recession from getting worse and promote healing, they won’t necessarily reverse severe gum recession, so it’s best to catch it early on.

At what age do gums recede?

While it’s often associated with aging, gum pull-back can kick in as early as your 30s or 40s. However, most people only encounter this issue once they’re in their 60s or beyond.

This is because the wear and tear on your gums from years of brushing, flossing, and general dental care can begin to show its effects at this time.

However, keep in mind that receding gums aren’t exclusively an age-related problem. They can also be a result of poor oral hygiene practices, genetic predisposition, aggressive tooth brushing, periodontal diseases, or even habits like smoking.

So it’s crucial to maintain good oral health at every stage of life and consult your dentist if you notice signs of gum recession, such as increased sensitivity or longer-appearing teeth.

Do receding gums go away?

Though it’s a common misconception, the unfortunate truth is that once your gum tissue has retreated, it doesn’t naturally regenerate. This means that receding gums don’t just go away on their own.

However, don’t lose hope. There are treatments available to help manage and even reverse this condition. Dental treatments, including scaling and root planing, can clean the teeth and gums to prevent further damage.

For more severe cases, gum graft surgery might be necessary to replace lost tissue. It’s crucial to consult with your dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

Posted in Dental Care