Comparing Dental Bonding Vs Dental Veneers – What’s Right For Your Cosmetic Procedure?

Dental bonding and veneers are two solutions for those who want to improve the appearance of their teeth and smile without undergoing extensive surgery. In this article, we’ll look at the similarities and differences between these two so you can make an educated choice about which one to pursue.

Cosmetic dentistry, such as with bonding or veneers, has become increasingly popular in recent years as more people strive to achieve the perfect, pearly white Hollywood smile.

While there are various types of procedures available, selecting the one most appropriate for your individual needs may be difficult. Two of the most common options are dental bonding and veneers. So let’s explore each one in turn and find out how they differ from each other.


Overview Of Dental Bonding And Veneers

Dental bonding is a procedure where composite material is applied directly to the surface of individual teeth in order to improve their appearance. This type of treatment can be used for chipped, cracked or discolored teeth, and it’s less invasive than other treatments like crowns or bridges.

Composite veneers are also an option when considering cosmetic dentistry. These thin shells can be made from either porcelain or resin materials, and they cover the front surfaces of your teeth in order to give them a more uniform shape and color. Both dental bonding and veneers offer effective solutions for improving the look of your smile; however, each method has its own benefits and drawbacks that should be considered before making a decision about which one would work best for you.

The first thing to consider when deciding between dental bonding and veneers is cost. Generally speaking, dental bonding tends to be cheaper than veneer placement since it does not require any lab fabrication; however, this varies depending on how many teeth need treatment as well as what type of insurance coverage you have available.

In addition to cost differences, the durability of both procedures must also be taken into account. Veneers generally last longer than bonded restorations because they are thicker and stronger; however, if proper care is taken with dental bonding then it can still provide good results over time.

Finally, the amount of tooth structure that needs altering should also be considered when choosing between these two methods. If only minor changes are needed such as repairing chips or filling small gaps then dental bonding may be sufficient; however, if more significant alterations are necessary like covering large stains or reshaping badly misshapen teeth then veneers may provide better results overall.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a type of cosmetic procedure that can improve the look and feel of your natural teeth. It involves applying a special bonding material to the tooth surface, which then hardens and becomes part of the existing enamel. Bonding can be used to repair chips or cracks in the teeth, close gaps between them, whiten their color, or even change their shape.

Here are three advantages of dental bonding:

1) Quick Procedure – The entire dental bonding process usually takes around 30 minutes per tooth.

2) Cost-Effective – Compared to other more complicated procedures such as veneers, dental bonding typically costs much less money.

3) Natural Appearance – Unlike some cosmetic treatments like veneers, dental bondings blend seamlessly with natural teeth for a completely natural looking smile.


What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells of resin or porcelain that can be placed over the front surface of teeth. They are a popular choice for many cosmetic dentistry procedures and have been used to restore broken, discolored, crooked, misaligned, misshapen, chipped teeth as well as close gaps between them. Dental veneers can also be used to correct mild bite problems. There are two types of dental veneers: porcelain and composite resin veneers.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are created from a special type of ceramic material; they look more natural than their counterparts made out of plastic materials like composite resin. Porcelain is also more durable and stain resistant making it ideal for individuals who want long lasting results in their smile makeover. The process involves removing some enamel from the tooth so that the porcelain can be bonded securely onto the underlying structure. This process cannot be reversed once it has been completed so it’s important to speak with your dentist about all your options before proceeding with this treatment option.

Composite Resin Veneers

In contrast, composite resin veneers use a white filling material most commonly found in dental offices across the country. Composite is less expensive than porcelain but may not last as long and will require periodic touch up appointments. Unlike porcelain which bonds permanently to the underlying structure, composite must first be applied to the surface of each individual tooth being treated then hardened with an ultraviolet light curing machine. Once cured it becomes part of the original tooth structure providing strength and durability when biting down on food items or performing other activities such as speaking without worry about shifting positions or coming loose.

Advantages Of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a great option for those who want to improve the appearance of their teeth. It can be used to repair chipped, cracked, discolored, or misshapen teeth as well as fill in gaps between teeth and make them look more even. Bonding procedures are typically quick and easy with minimal preparation needed beforehand. Plus, they usually don’t require anesthesia since they involve working on the surface of the tooth.

Advantages Disadvantages Neutral
Quick & Easy Less Durable Inexpensive
Minimal Prep Needed Not Stain Resistant Versatile

The materials used for dental bonding are also relatively inexpensive compared to other cosmetic treatments like veneers and crowns. Additionally, dental bondings can be adjusted quickly if you decide to change your smile down the line. Furthermore, these types of procedures offer some versatility when it comes to color matching; different shades and tints of composite resin material can be used depending on what works best for your individual case.

On the downside though, bonded materials aren’t as durable or stain resistant as porcelain veneers just because they’re made from plastic-like substances instead of ceramic ones. That means that over time it may need to be replaced due to wear and tear or discoloration caused by drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes.

But overall, dental bonding provides an affordable solution for people looking to enhance their smiles without breaking the bank – making it an attractive choice for many individuals seeking cosmetic dentistry solutions!

Advantages Of Veneers

Continuing on from the advantages of dental bonding, let’s now take a look at veneers and their own set of benefits. Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain that fit directly onto your teeth to give them an even appearance and color. They can be used to cover up any unsightly stains or discoloration while also hiding chips and cracks in your enamel. Placement of porcelain veneers is relatively easy and painless. Here are some key advantages they offer:

  • A perfect smile: If you’re unhappy with certain aspects of your teeth such as misaligned, gapped, chipped or stained teeth, then veneers could be the right choice for you. Porcelain veneers will instantly provide you with a perfect smile that looks natural and beautiful!
  • Durability: One great thing about porcelain veneers is that they are extremely durable compared to other cosmetic procedures. With proper care and maintenance, they have been known to last up to 15 years before needing replacement. This makes them a cost effective solution in the long run.
  • Versatility: Another benefit of getting porcelain veneers is that they can be used to fix various aesthetic problems such as closing gaps between teeth, correcting crookedness, reducing tooth sensitivity due to worn enamel, camouflaging dark spots or improving overall symmetry of the face by changing the shape of one’s teeth.

Veneers are just one option when it comes to achieving a more beautiful smile through cosmetic dentistry procedures; however, it should not be taken lightly since there is no going back once placed! 

Disadvantages Of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is not always a perfect solution. Bonding material can stick to the teeth, but it doesn’t last as long and may require more frequent touch-ups than other options like veneers. Plus, the bonding resin material used for dental bonding isn’t designed to be permanent, so it won’t last forever. 

Composite bonds are prone to wear down over time due to chewing or grinding of the teeth, meaning they need replacement sooner rather than later. They might even need to be replaced after just a few years in some cases.

Additionally, dental bondings don’t protect the underlying tooth structure from decay as well as other treatments do; therefore, proper care should still be taken with regards to brushing and flossing regularly after getting this procedure done.

All these factors must be considered when deciding whether dental bonding is right for you and your cosmetic needs.

Disadvantages Of Veneers

There are drawbacks associated with veneers that must be considered before proceeding with this type of treatment.

First, not everyone is a candidate for veneers; if your tooth enamel is too weak or damaged, you may require another form of restoration instead.

Second, depending on the kind of veneer used, they can often be one of the more expensive options available in terms of cosmetic dentistry procedures – so it’s important to investigate all aspects related to cost prior to committing.

Lastly, while some types of veneers can last up to 15 years with proper care and maintenance, others typically only last around 5-7 years – so bear this in mind when making your decision.

How Long Does Each Last?

It’s important to see how long these cosmetic procedures last. With proper oral hygiene, dental bonding can last up to ten years. Depending on lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking tea and coffee, veneers can last up to 15 years.

Proper oral hygiene, such as brushing, flossing, and biannual dentist visits, extends the life of dental bonding and veneers. Avoid using your teeth to open packages or other items to extend the life of your selection. Reducing sugary foods aids in preventing tooth decay, which could compromise the enamel-resin bond used in both treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Dental Bonding And Veneers Cost?

The costs of dental bonding and veneers can vary greatly, depending on the severity of your procedure. Generally speaking, dental bonding tends to be more affordable than getting a full set of veneers. However, the cost may ultimately depend on which type of cosmetic procedure is right for you.

Here are three factors that will determine the cost:

  • The material used in your veneers or bondings
  • The number of teeth affected by your treatment
  • Any additional treatments required before and after your procedure

When considering whether to get dental bonding or veneers, it’s important to consult with a dentist at Dentique Dental Spa; we can provide advice tailored to you and your specific needs. This way, you’ll understand all the pros and cons associated with each option before making a decision about which one is best for you. 

Are Dental Bonding Or Veneers Painful?

Both procedures are usually relatively painless.

Is There A Risk Of Cavities With Dental Bonding Or Veneers?

Veneers are more stain-resistant and durable than dental bonding. They need cleaning to appear their best and avoid deterioration beneath them, but unlike other restorations, they do not require any special maintenance. Veneers prevent cavities better than dental bonding because they cover the entire tooth.

Are There Any Alternatives To Dental Bonding And Veneers?

The answer is yes; there are several alternative solutions that can be used in place of or in addition to dental bonding and veneers. These include:

  • Professional Teeth Whitening: This procedure can help brighten your smile without the need for major surgery. It works by applying a special whitening gel directly to the teeth which then reacts with UV light to produce results quickly.
  • Tooth Contouring & Reshaping: This technique involves shaping and contouring existing teeth using specialized tools such as lasers or diamond-tipped burs. The goal is to reduce irregularities and give the teeth a more uniform shape and look without having to use fillings or crowns.

These alternatives offer patients different ways to improve their smiles without opting for full-on surgical procedures like those involved with dental bonding and veneers. 


In conclusion, dental bonding and veneers are two great cosmetic options for people looking to improve their smile. Both procedures come with pros and cons that you should consider before deciding which one is right for you. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your budget, as well as what kind of results you’re hoping to achieve.

Contact us today to find out more!

Posted in Dental Veneers