Does In-Office Teeth Whitening Hurt? | Dentique Dental Spa | Teeth Whitening
In-Office Teeth Whitening
A radiant smile can boost confidence and make memorable first impressions. As more people seek ways to brighten their smiles, in-office teeth whitening has emerged as a favored option. But one pressing question often lingers in the minds of potential patients: “Does in-office teeth whitening hurt?” If you’ve ever wondered this or are considering the procedure, you’re in the right place.
In this article, we will demystify the experience of in-office teeth whitening. By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of what to expect, ways to minimize discomfort, and how to care for your newly brightened smile.
Does In-Office Teeth Whitening Hurt?
In-office teeth whitening typically does not cause pain, but it can lead to sensitive teeth for some individuals.
This teeth sensitivity arises due to the bleaching agents used in the process. The teeth whitening process involves applying these agents, often containing carbamide peroxide as an active ingredient, to the tooth enamel via trays. The bleaching reaction can expose the dentin—the layer beneath the enamel, causing sensitivity to hot or cold foods.
Not everyone experiences sensitivity, and its intensity varies from person to person. A history of tooth decay, existing gum disease, or wearing crowns can influence one’s reaction to the procedure. Dental professionals have the expertise to mitigate these potential side effects, ensuring both your health and a brighter smile.
Some dental procedures provide more intensive whitening results than over-the-counter teeth products, making professional teeth whitening a preferred choice for many seeking that beautiful smile. One of the benefits of choosing professional teeth whitening over over-the-counter teeth methods is the tailored approach. Dental professionals can adjust the strength of the bleaching agent according to your natural teeth’s sensitivity and desired outcome.
It’s important to note that some dental treatments, especially those involving crowns or veneers, may not respond to the tooth-whitening agent in the same way natural teeth do. Always discuss any concerns about the potential effects of teeth whitening with your dentist during the appointment to ensure your teeth and gum health are not compromised.
If you experience tooth pain after the procedure, just understand that this is usually temporary. Communication with your dentist will help manage any discomfort and address concerns.
When aiming for a whiter smile, it’s crucial to weigh the potential short-lived discomfort against the lasting impact of having white teeth. After all, a beautiful smile is often the first thing people notice about you.
When scheduling your whitening treatment, you might wonder how to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by the bleaching agents. There are some easy steps you can take to minimize the discomfort. We will discuss them in the sections below.
Avoiding Hot or Cold Drinks
To get the whitest teeth, you should avoid specific foods and beverages. This would be any acidic or staining type of drink. An example is citrus juice, tea, and black coffee.
Also, avoid foods that have dark pigments. These include curry as well as beets, berries, and artificially colored foods. Moreover, soft drinks can also stain the teeth. You should also brush your teeth after drinking them because these beverages can damage your enamel. In addition, you should avoid drinking them for a prolonged period.
Coffee and tea are known to stain the teeth, especially if you do not add milk to them. In addition, dark-colored teas can also stain your teeth, so try to avoid more than two cups. Red and white wine are also very acidic and can weaken enamel. It is best to drink only one or two glasses of these beverages a day. Drinking them in moderation is the best way to protect your teeth from staining. Rinsing your mouth after drinking these types of beverages can also reduce the likelihood of them staining your teeth.
Using a Lower-Strength Bleaching Gel
Bleaching your teeth can be painful, but it can be avoided with the use of a desensitizing toothpaste and a lower-strength gel.
Whitening gels are most effective when used on clean teeth. Before using a bleaching gel, we make sure that your mouth is dry and clean. If the gel contains moisture, it will reduce the whitening effect and slow down the process.
You should also avoid drinking very cold or very hot beverages and any acidic foods after the whitening process. If you experience tooth sensitivity, you should let us know and avoid eating or drinking these foods or drinks for a few hours.
You can also avoid brushing your teeth with an at-home bleaching gel after each session if you are sensitive. However, this type of treatment can still cause pain, and you should take special care of your teeth before you start whitening them.
Avoiding Acidic Foods
One way to avoid staining your teeth is to reduce the number of acidic foods you consume.
The worst culprits are coffee and tea. However, you can lower the acidity in your drinks by adding milk. Fruits with a low pH can also stain your teeth, so limit your intake of these products. You can also avoid them by brushing your teeth thoroughly after eating. Lastly, it is important to limit the amount of sugar you consume to prevent tooth discoloration.
Foods that contain acid are tomatoes, pickles, and citrus fruits. The acids found in these foods can weaken enamel, making your teeth prone to staining. Besides fruits, you should also avoid dark drinks and sauces, as they may also stain your teeth. If you are unable to avoid all acidic foods and drinks, you should still be able to get a white smile with regular cleaning.
Avoiding Over-The-Counter Whitening Products
Using over-the-counter whitening products is not a permanent solution for whiter teeth.
While some whitening products are effective, the bleaching effect is temporary and can fade after a month or two if you continue to expose your teeth to staining. While some products can whiten your teeth in just a few days, professional whitening treatments take longer. You will need to use these treatments regularly in order to achieve the desired results.
While hydrogen peroxide is the main ingredient in many teeth-whitening products, recent research has revealed that this chemical is not effective. The reason is that it doesn’t stay on your teeth long enough to bleach them, which is necessary to see results.
Homemade whitening solutions, such as lemon juice, contain extremely high concentrations of citric acid and other ingredients that can cause more harm than good.
Reducing Tooth Sensitivity
After the procedure, your teeth will be most sensitive. During this time, you should avoid drinking and eating hot and cold liquids.
You should also brush your teeth with a desensitizing toothpaste. If you are unable to avoid these substances, you can use sugarless gum. You can also take Ibuprofen to relieve the pain. However, these methods do not completely eliminate sensitivity.
If you experience tooth sensitivity for longer than 48 hours, it is best to see your dentist. They can prescribe a desensitizing toothpaste or desensitizing gel for your teeth to reduce the sensitivity. Once the sensitivity is reduced, you can return to your regular toothpaste. Make sure to brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush for at least a few minutes before you drink any liquid.
Transform Your Smile with Dentique Dental Spa Today
A brighter, radiant smile can truly transform how you feel and how others perceive you. Making an informed decision about in-office teeth whitening is the first step towards achieving that dream smile. Understandably, questions and concerns may arise, especially when considering potential discomfort or sensitivity. However, with the right care, advice, and professional guidance, the process can be smooth and the results, stunning.
Dentique Dental Spa is committed to offering you a tailored teeth whitening experience, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction remain paramount. Our dedicated team is always on hand to address any questions and guide you through each step of the treatment.
Ready to make that change? Give us a call at 08 6244 0089 and book your appointment.